Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Unsubscribing from Blog

Former Parents and Students of Marlatt 6th grade,

Thank you for following our class blog during the last school year. I hope it was informative and helpful.  If you don't want to continue to receive updates then you'll need to unsubscribe. It's really simple. Anytime you receive an email from this blog you have the option to unsubscribe. Just scroll down to the bottom of the email and click unsubscribe. If you can't figure out how to do it you can email me at

I wish you all the best as you head into 7th grade.

Mrs. Sibbitt

Friday, May 26, 2017

6th Grade Picture Slide Show and Grateful Photos

There were many parents that asked for a copy of both the 6th grade slideshow and the photos from the gratitude video at the end of our transition ceremony.

The picture slideshow was made with Animoto and can be viewed at the following link or below:

I'm not able to share the gratitude video, but I can share the photos that were included in the video. They can be found at the following link:

Congratulations to all of the 6th graders and their parents. Enjoy your summer!

Monday, May 22, 2017

WEEK OF 5/22/17- 5/26/17

Announcements and Reminders:

·      Please be aware that students with an F in any class will be required to work on missing work or corrections during upcoming fun activities that are not a part of a class assignment (ie. 6th grade picnic, etc.). This is consistent with both AMS and EMS policies.
·      The 6th grade picnic is scheduled for tomorrow from 11:30- 3:30. Students will walk to the KSU rec fields to play games for the afternoon. Pizza and drinks will be provided. The pizza is already paid with money we collected at the beginning of the year. Make sure students wear gym clothes and bring sunscreen. If it rains tomorrow, then the Picnic to the Rec Complex will become an “eat-pizza-and-watch-movies” party at school.
·      The 6th grade transition ceremony is Wednesday at 2:00. This will be a celebration of students leaving Marlatt and transitioning to 7th grade. Families are invited to attend. It will be held in the Marlatt cafeteria. Following the transition ceremony will be a reception for parents and students on the playground. If you are able we are requesting that students bring a refreshment to share.
·      Grade cards will be sent home with students on the last day of school. If your student will not be at school on the last half day, please let the homeroom teacher know so the grade card can be sent home on their last day.
·      Thursday is the last day of school! We will dismiss at 11:55. Enjoy your summer and best wishes in middle school.


All final grades will be posted by Monday evening.

Monday, May 15, 2017

WEEK OF 5/15/17- 5/19/17

Announcements and Reminders

·      This is the last week for students to turn in missing work or corrections. All work is due by Friday by the end of the day.
·      All books are due back to the Marlatt Library by this Wednesday 5/17.
·      Please be aware that students with an F in any class will be required to work on missing work or corrections during upcoming fun activities that are not a part of a class assignment (ie. 6th grade picnic, etc.). This is consistent with both AMS and EMS policies.
·      On Thursday 5/18 from 1:30 to 3:30 6th graders will be hosting their living museum in both the gym and cafeteria. Parents are welcome to attend, as will younger grade levels throughout the building.
·      On Friday 5/19 students will watch a video discussing puberty at 3:00. The school nurse sent home information about the video with students last week. If you do not wish for your child to participate or if you have questions regarding the video please contact your child’s teacher. 
·      6th graders in Band and Orchestra will participate in the All City Band Practice on Monday 5/22 from 8:45- 10:15. Please make sure students have their instruments on that day.


Living Museum:

Students should have their Living Museum paragraph completed by classtime May 16, so that one of the teachers can approve it. Students can be working on any SMALL, MINIMAL props or costumes at school and/or home during class May 15-17. Students should practice their paragraph many times, so they can present it fluently and be able to look up from their notecard as they present.

Families are invited to attend the Marlatt Living Museum on Thursday, May 18. Drop in anytime 1:30-3:30. The museum should take 30-45 min. to go through each “exhibit.” Castles will also be on display so families can see them when they visit, as well.

This week student will work to describe data using median and interquartile range. They will also learn to construct box plots and interpret the data from a box plot.

M: Set Problems Lesson #14
T: Set Problem Lesson #15
W: None
TH: Quiz 7.3: Median, IQR, and Box Plots; Begin “Show What You Know” Math Show
F: Work on “Show What You Know” Math Show and Present (all students must present by Monday)

Language Arts:

Students should be studying for their final vocabulary test over all of the roots that we have studied this year, which is Friday, May 19. The test will only require the students to know the roots and their meanings, not the 10 vocab words with each root. They have a page that lists the roots and meanings as well as flashcards with which to study. Ask them if you can quiz them!

Student portal will be updated each evening this week and ALL missing work MUST be turned in by Friday, May 19.

Social Studies and Science:

Castles can be brought in anytime now.  They are due on Wed. so that they can be on display on Thursday.  Please remember to follow the directions handed out in class.  Labels are very important.

Spelling Challenge List #31  test on Thursday
Mr. Hendricks Daily Math week #33

No Spelling
Problem of the Week: Marshfield Vet Clinic and Travel Agent

No Spelling

Monday, May 8, 2017

Week of 5/8/17- 5/12/17

Announcements and Reminders:

·      6th graders do not participate in the Marlatt Field Day, but serve as helpers leading different stations. Some students will help on Monday and some on Tuesday. Please make sure they dress appropriately for helping and bring a water bottle.
·      This Wednesday, May 10th all 6th graders will walk to AMS at 8:55. They will tour the building, meet the principal and vice principal, have a question and answer session with current 7th graders, and eat lunch in the AMS cafeteria. We will walk back after lunch. After the AMS visits students will be taking the math MAP test. Students need to give their best effort as this test will be used to place students into classes next year.
·      The Marlatt Volunteer Luncheon is Wednesday May 10th to show our appreciation for the time and support parents have given to our school. Anyone who has volunteered is invited for lunch between 11:00 and 1:00 in the Marlatt library.
·      Friday May 12th in the Marlatt 2nd annual color trot from 1:30- 3:30. Students need to dress in gym clothes, bring a water bottle and towel, and be prepared to be outside for most of the day.
·      A newsletter with important dates for the rest of the school year was sent home with your child today. Please look for that information.
·      Please be aware that students with an F in any class will be required to work on missing work or corrections during upcoming fun activities that are not a part of a class assignment (ie. 6th grade picnic, etc.). This is consistent with both AMS and EMS policies.


This week student will work on finding and using mean absolute deviation to describe variability in the data. The will also begin describing data using interquartile range and box and whisker plots.

M: Set Problem Lesson #9
T: 14.1: Mean
W: None
TH: Exercises #8-10
F: No School

Language Arts:

Tuesday: Book Talks
Wednesday- Thursday: Working on Living Museum Research

Social Studies
We will be gathering information on Castles and the Living Museum Characters

Scholastic News #21

Spelling Challenge list (from your classmates) list #31
Daily Math Week #32

No spelling
Problem of the Week: It’s Alive pg. 3 and 5


No spelling

Monday, May 1, 2017

WEEK OF 5/1/17- 5/5/17

·      This is the last week to send in pictures for the 6th grade end of the year slide show. We are specifically looking for 4-6 school age photos of your child alone or with a group at a school event. You can send a snapshot or school picture even if your child wasn’t at Marlatt. Please send those pictures via email or flash drive to Mrs. Sibbitt. These will be put into a slide show that will be played at the 6th grade transition ceremony.
·      There is NO SCHOOL on Friday May 5th for teacher professional development.
·      Please be aware that students with an F in any class will be required to work on missing work or corrections during upcoming fun activities that are not a part of a class assignment (ie. 6th grade picnic, etc.). This is consistent with both AMS and EMS policies.


This week student will work on finding mean, median, mode and understanding when it is appropriate to use each. They will also learn about absolute deviation from the mean.

M: None
T: 14.1: Mean
W: None
TH: Exercises #8-10
F: No School

Language Arts:

Vocabulary – Lesson 30 “cent” meaning “hundred”: Mon definitions, Tues flashcards and p. 68-69 worksheet, Thurs QUIZ
Language Review Week 30 due Thursday
Reading: Mon “Emperor’s Silent Army” in Storytown; Tues “Hidden City in the Andes” in Storytown; Wed MAP Reading Test; Thurs Work on Book Talks which are due on Tuesday of next week (May 9).

Social Studies and Science:

Monday:  Life Skills
Tuesday:  Social Studies- Video on Aztecs.  Information about Castles
Wednesday: Social Studies-Castles work
Thursday:  Science- Current events
Friday:  No School

Daily Math packet #31 due Thursday
Spelling Practice work and test #30 (Thurs.)

Spelling Lesson #30 Contract due Thursday; Test Thursday
Problem of the Week: Jars of Marbles and Chicago Temperatures


Spelling Lesson #30 Contract due Thursday; Test Thursday