Monday, May 22, 2017

WEEK OF 5/22/17- 5/26/17

Announcements and Reminders:

·      Please be aware that students with an F in any class will be required to work on missing work or corrections during upcoming fun activities that are not a part of a class assignment (ie. 6th grade picnic, etc.). This is consistent with both AMS and EMS policies.
·      The 6th grade picnic is scheduled for tomorrow from 11:30- 3:30. Students will walk to the KSU rec fields to play games for the afternoon. Pizza and drinks will be provided. The pizza is already paid with money we collected at the beginning of the year. Make sure students wear gym clothes and bring sunscreen. If it rains tomorrow, then the Picnic to the Rec Complex will become an “eat-pizza-and-watch-movies” party at school.
·      The 6th grade transition ceremony is Wednesday at 2:00. This will be a celebration of students leaving Marlatt and transitioning to 7th grade. Families are invited to attend. It will be held in the Marlatt cafeteria. Following the transition ceremony will be a reception for parents and students on the playground. If you are able we are requesting that students bring a refreshment to share.
·      Grade cards will be sent home with students on the last day of school. If your student will not be at school on the last half day, please let the homeroom teacher know so the grade card can be sent home on their last day.
·      Thursday is the last day of school! We will dismiss at 11:55. Enjoy your summer and best wishes in middle school.


All final grades will be posted by Monday evening.

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