Schedule & Policies

6S Schedule:

6G Schedule:

6H Schedule:

Note from the schedule that students have two core rotations during the end of the day. If you are looking for a time to schedule an appointment for your child, mornings may be best. 

Students will be given a weekly list of spelling words and a spelling contract that needs to be completed each week. This contract can be completed by practicing spelling for 15 minutes three days per week using, or through other activities on the contract.  Weekly spelling post-tests will be given on Thursday and spelling pre-tests will be given on Friday.

Challenge Spelling Contracts
Students will be given a spelling pretest every Friday.  Students who miss one or less on the pretest will be excused from taking the post test the following Thursday.  Instead, they will be expected to complete a spelling contract with a more difficult set of words.  The spelling lists and contract can be found in the classroom. Spelling contracts will be due on Thursday morning.

Snacks and Water Bottles
Water bottles are encouraged.  Healthy snacks (no junk food or candy please) can be brought to school and eaten at the time designated by their teacher. Water bottles should come to school empty to prevent leaks and subsequent damages to supplies and books. They can be filled at school before school starts or during a break time. Water bottles should stay in the child's cubby throughout the day.

Absent Students
Students are responsible to obtain their missing work from the teacher.  For questions about the missed assignments see the teacher before or after school or during an appropriate free time.  You will have 2 days after the missed day to return missing work to me without losing any points.

Tardy Students
Students who are tardy will report to the office and obtain a slip. They will then bring the slip to the teacher. They will enter the classroom quietly and quickly go through classroom procedure for starting the day.

Late Assignments
All assignments turned in one day after they are due will be deducted 10%.  If the assignment is not turned in after one week students will no longer be able to turn it in and they will receive a zero for the assignment.  This policy is consistent with all 6th grade teachers.

Math Binders
Students will be in charge of keeping a math binder through the whole year.  Notes, homework, quizzes and tests must stay in the binder.

Math Assignments Grading Policy

Students will be given regular quizzes in math to assesses their knowledge of each standard. These quizzes will be used to update their grades. The purpose of the quizzes is to a ensure students focus on their learning rather then on the grade they receive. For this reason, students will be given the opportunity to retake a quiz that they did not score well. Before retaking the quiz students will need to prove that they have completed all homework associated with the quiz and that they have reviewed the material. Students may retake quizzes before or after school or during their second recess. Students may retake the quiz as many times as they would like, at the discretion of Mrs. Sibbitt. Students will have up to two weeks past the original quiz date to retake the quiz.