Monday, May 1, 2017

WEEK OF 5/1/17- 5/5/17

·      This is the last week to send in pictures for the 6th grade end of the year slide show. We are specifically looking for 4-6 school age photos of your child alone or with a group at a school event. You can send a snapshot or school picture even if your child wasn’t at Marlatt. Please send those pictures via email or flash drive to Mrs. Sibbitt. These will be put into a slide show that will be played at the 6th grade transition ceremony.
·      There is NO SCHOOL on Friday May 5th for teacher professional development.
·      Please be aware that students with an F in any class will be required to work on missing work or corrections during upcoming fun activities that are not a part of a class assignment (ie. 6th grade picnic, etc.). This is consistent with both AMS and EMS policies.


This week student will work on finding mean, median, mode and understanding when it is appropriate to use each. They will also learn about absolute deviation from the mean.

M: None
T: 14.1: Mean
W: None
TH: Exercises #8-10
F: No School

Language Arts:

Vocabulary – Lesson 30 “cent” meaning “hundred”: Mon definitions, Tues flashcards and p. 68-69 worksheet, Thurs QUIZ
Language Review Week 30 due Thursday
Reading: Mon “Emperor’s Silent Army” in Storytown; Tues “Hidden City in the Andes” in Storytown; Wed MAP Reading Test; Thurs Work on Book Talks which are due on Tuesday of next week (May 9).

Social Studies and Science:

Monday:  Life Skills
Tuesday:  Social Studies- Video on Aztecs.  Information about Castles
Wednesday: Social Studies-Castles work
Thursday:  Science- Current events
Friday:  No School

Daily Math packet #31 due Thursday
Spelling Practice work and test #30 (Thurs.)

Spelling Lesson #30 Contract due Thursday; Test Thursday
Problem of the Week: Jars of Marbles and Chicago Temperatures


Spelling Lesson #30 Contract due Thursday; Test Thursday

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