Monday, April 10, 2017

WEEEK OF 4/10/17- 4/14/17

·      6th Graders are taking the Reading State Assessments this week on Wednesday and Thursday (4/12/17 and 4/13/17)
·      There is NO SCHOOL on Friday 4/14/17 for professional development.
·      The month of April and May is really full with extra school activities. Please be sure to review the school calendar on the Marlatt website and the 6th grade newsletter to stay up-to-date on events.
·      Currently we are collecting permission forms for the FIT 6 Event scheduled April 25th and for the Marlatt Color Trot scheduled May 12th. Please get those forms to your child’s teacher ASAP.
·      The Marlatt Color Trot is our biggest fundraiser of the year. Every Marlatt student is required to wear sunglasses to participate in the race and they can earn sunglasses by bringing in at least one donation. More info about the Color Trot can be found on the blog:
·      Please be aware that students with an F in any class will be required to work on missing work or corrections during upcoming fun activities that are not a part of a class assignment (ie. FIT 6, 6th grade picnic, etc.). This is consistent with both AMS and EMS policies.
·      We are beginning to collect pictures for the 6th grade end of the year slide show. Please send those pictures via email ( or flash drive to Mrs. Sibbitt. We are specifically looking for 4-6 school age photos of your child alone or with a group at a school event. These will be put into a slide show that will be played at the 6th grade transition ceremony.


This week in math, we are going to wrap up our geometry unit.  This means that Monday we will finish up the performance assessment and volume.  Tuesday and Wednesday we will begin our final section of the unit, surface area and nets.  Thursday we will be wrapping up surface area and nets!  Homework and Quizzes are as follows:

Monday:  Finish Performance Assessment/None
Tuesday:  Quiz 5.3/Surface area and Nets Practice (due Thursday)
Wednesday:  None
Thursday:  Quiz 5.4/Surface area and Nets Practice (due Today)
Friday:  None/No School

Social Studies and Science
Monday - Life Skills lessons
Tuesday - Social Studies Rome review
Wednesday -  Social Studies  “Last look at Rome”
Thursday -  Science  Topographic map – Mystery locations
Friday – NO SCHOOL

Language Arts
Monday and Tuesday: Greek Latin Roots #27 (terr) and Daily Language Week #27
Wednesday: ELA State Assessment
Thursday: ELA State Assessment
Friday: No School

Spelling Contract #27 due Thursday; Test on Thursday
Problem of the Week: Schalow’s Nursery

Daily Math week #28  Due Thursday.
Spelling List #27 practice pages, Test on Thursday


Spelling Contract #27 due Thursday; Test on Thursday

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